Button: Organize
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
1" x 2" Rectangular Button
Als available as a bumpersticker. Product code: S-ORG
design © Donnelly/Colt
Button: juStice equaliTy peAce eNvironment freeDom
1.5" 1" x 2" rectangular designed by Laura Talman
Button: "If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet renounce controversy are people who want crops without ploughing the ground." Frederick Douglass
Button: Stop Racism at Home and Abroad
(1" Button)
Button: "Take Sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." --Eli Wiesel
1" x 2" vertical button.
Button: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi
1.25" button.
Button: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
1" x 2" Quote from M.L.K. (1967) from his book "Where Do We Go From Here?"
Button: White Rose symbol
1" button design commemorates the White Rose group of five anti-Nazi German students at the Universiy of Munich, (1942-43) who wrote, mimeographed and clandestinely distributed a series of six leaflet urging their fellow Germans to oppose Hitler and Nazism. It was considered treasonous to say, print or distribute anything critical of the government, punishable by imprisonment or death. They were caught, turned over to the Gestapo and five days later beheaded as enemies of the state. Today they are recognized among the courageous heroes of the German resistance to Hitler and Nazism.
For a short introduction to Sophie Scholl, go to this link:
Click on title for more information
Button: Support Unions - the folks who gave you the 40 hour work week and the weekend
1.25" diameter
Button: We Call BS
1.25" hand assembled
from the moving speech by Stoneman Douglas High School student Emma Gionzales, in Parkland, Florida. She was one of the students who survived the Valentine's Day shooting massacre in 2018, that launched a student gun reform movement to challenge the N.R.A. and the gun industry. "We Call BS" can apply to so many issues, but it started in response to the lies and bullshit that always are put out by the gun loibby after every mass killing.
Students are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Show your solidarity.
Button: Another Man Against Violence Against Women
Button: "All Truth Passes Through Three Stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Schopenhauer
1.75" diameter quote from the German philosopher Arthur Schopenaur (1788-1860)
Button: Bar Shaped Rainbow
1" x 2" Rectangular Button
Button: "NO" to Trump (Red Circle & Slash over "TRUMP")
1.5" Button 2024 The international "No" symbol, a red circle & slash over the word "Trump," says it all, and is understood in many languages. Speak truth to the illegitimate power of the self-avowed Day One dictator who is dismantling democracy every day of his regime.
Also available in bulk: 100: $1 each ($100) 250: 85’ each ($212) 500: 60’ each ($300) 1,000: 40’ each ($400) 2,500: 35’ each ($875)
Button: Celebrate Diversity
1" x 2" Rectangular Button design by Donnelly/Colt © 1990
Our consistent best seller since 1990.
Also available as a bumpersticker, fridge magnet and now a magnet-backed
button to wear on clothing (without a pin).
Button: Celebre la Diversidad
Now there's a Spanish version of our best-selling "Celebrate Diversity" button. 1" x 2" rectangular.
Button: Every Minute 30 Children Die of Hunger and Inadequate Health Care While the World Spends $1,700,000 on War
Button: Racism Sexism Anti-Semitism Homophobia Recognize the Connections
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
1.5" Button
Button: Crude Oil Addiction: How many lives per barrel?
$2.00 $0.25 On Sale!
1.75" Button
Button: If You Want Peace Work For Justice
(1.5" Button)
Button: We Cannot Change Unless We Survive But We Will Not Survive Unless We Change
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
(1.5" Square Button)
Button: Peace not War / Generosity not Greed / Empathy not Hate / Creativity not Destruction / Everybody not just Us
1.5" Button
Button: The World Can No Longer Afford The Rich
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
(1.5" diameter)
Button: Three Color Silouette of Africa
(1" Button)
Button: Rebel With A Cause
(1.25" Button) hand-assembled
Button: Stop Domestic Violence
(1.5": x 1.5" Octagonal Button)
Button: red circle & slash over word "Scapegoating"
Button: "As a woman I have no country. As a woman I want no country. As a woman my country is the whole world." Virginia Woolf
$2.25 $2.00 On Sale!
(1.5" Button) Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)
Button: Firefighters? Police? Teachers? Whose Union do you want to bust?
1.25" diameter
Button: If You Think The System Is Working Ask Someone Who Isn't
(1.5" Button) Unemployed special on sale from now on...
Button: Women Unite Take Back The Night
Button: Youth for Peace and Justice
(1.25" Button)
Button: Hate
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
(1.25" Button)
Button: Stop Scapegoating Immigrants
1.5" Square button
Why this button message is so important today: This issue is perennial, for decades in our country it rears its ugly idea that immigrants are less-human than we ourselves. There is an eloquently written piece written by a Canadian entitled "Why I'm Not Signing Your Petition..." worth reading and sharing. Print it out ( http://changethegame.ca/2015/11/19/even-so-im-not-giving-up-on-you/ ) and give it with this button to a friend. The present-day rise in popularity of scapegoating and hating immigrants is a very dangerous red flag signaling the disintegration of two of our greatest qualities compassion and humanity among reactionary people and their movement. Narcissism and entitlement is the basis of this regression.
Button: Celebrate Diversity (Cal's design)
(1.5" x 2" Rectangular) Designed by our son, Cal Donnellycolt when he was thirteen in 1997.
Button: Union Labor BUILT the American Dream
1.25" diameter
Button: Teach, Honor, Respect, Diversity
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
1.5" button
Button: With Justice for All
(1.25" Button)
Button: Wearing Buttons Is Not Enough
(1.25" Button)
Button: Military Intelligence is a Contradiction
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
(1.25" Button) Notorious and infamous blunders by our own, such as the Mai Lai Massacre in the Vietnam War (where the official explanation given by the U.S. military was: "We had to destroy the village in order to save it"); and the very idea of being killed by "friendly fire" in war are just a couple of examples why this messege must not be forgotten.
Button: "Whatever you do may seem insignificant, but it is most important that you do it." Gandhi
5/8" x 2-1/2" Metal Lithograophed button - unique shape for a unique message from Gandhi. If we take this message to heart, we could, collectively, build a much better life for ourselves, our human family, community, bio-region, continent and world. Life is IN the details. Wear this reminderany day you feel it needs to be remembered.
Button: Hatred Feeds War; Breeds Fear; Fuels Hatred
(1.5" Square)
Button: There's No Way to Peace - Peace is the Way
(1.5" Button) These words are attributed to the pacifist A. J. Muste, but he may hve borrowed them from elsewhere. Their point is that the process is the way; an end in itself. This could be quite the conversation-starter at a get-together or Twelve-Step meeting.
Button: Stop Funding the Occupation
(1.75" Button)
Button: War: The Real Enemy
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
(1.75" Button)
Button: Yellow Ribbons Won't Bring the Troops Home, Ending the War Will
$2.00 $0.25 On Sale!
2.25" Button
From Bush (Senior and Junior's) Middle East Shock 'n Awe invasions, occupations and failed wars.
Button: Feminists Are Everywhere
Button: Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing is wrong?
(1.75" Button)
Button: Small War
This is the tiniest size button we have: 7/8 of an inch in diameter. Metal lithographed (printed directly on metal) It's small enough to wear with any kind of clothing from casual to formal any time, any place. Carry a few extras with you to give to anyone who sees it and likes it. Stands out and makes its point on any color clothing, from t-shirt to tuxedo, baptism duds to bridal gown...
Button: People Against Tyranny Racism Injustice Oppression & Truth-bending (PATRIOT)
2.25" Button Hand assembled
Button: Fist Graphic
7/8" Button Hand-assembled
Button: Got Justice?
(1" button)
Button: Yo No Soy El Army [Spanish for I'm Not An Army of One]
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
(1.25" Button) The Army's latest recruiting pitch is emphatically countered in Spanish. The whole "Army of One" is an advertising catch-phrase designed to appeal to a young man's macho fantasy of personal super-hero delusion. Only the truly courageous will wear this; only those who know they're being lied to by recruiters and who can resist the bait.
Button: Estudiantes Si / Soldados No [Spanish for Students Yes / Soldiers No]
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
(1.25" Button) Espaρol version. We also have a similar message in English. Designed by & for Committee on Militarism & the Draft, San Diego.
Button: Men Can Stop Rape
Button: Peace Dove Graphic-Peace in English, Arabic and Hebrew
(1.5" Square Button) Full color pinting by Artists for Mid-East Peace, with "Peace" in English, Hebrew and Arabic.
Button: Support Our Troops Bring them Home Alive
(2.25" Button)
Button: Another Bleeding Heart for Justice and Equality
5/8" x 2-1/2" rectangular.
Button: Troops Out Now! No Blood for Oil
$2.00 $0.25 On Sale!
Button: It Gets Better!
Dan Savage's book and organization inspired this 1.5" diameter button.
Button: War Doesn't Show Who's Right Just Who's Left
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
(1.5" Button)
Button: U.S. Troops out of the Middle East
$2.00 $0.25 On Sale!
Button: Fight Like Hell for the Living - Mother Jones
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
The famous quote from labor organizer, Mary Harris "Mother" Jones
Button: Do We Fear Our Enemies More Than We Love Our Children?
1.75" x 2.75" vertical rectangle. This message was first seen on a banner displayed near the 1988 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco.
Button: Peace and Justice
1.5" square button © 1981 John St. John
Button: Growth For The Sake of Growth is the Ideology of the Cancer Cell - Edward Abbey
Stark fact in white on black 1.5" button quote from Edward Abbey
Button: Demilitarize Our Schools
(1.25" Button) Designed by & for the Commitee on Militarism & the Draft in San Diego - one of the best local/national groups in the country.
Button: War, What is it Good For?
1" button designed by artist Margery Cohen using the words from the popular 1970 anti-Vietnam War song, "War" by Edwin Starr (1942-2003).
Button: Against Abortion? Wear a Condom Dude
Button: Black White Red Yellow Brown Human
(1.75" button)
Button: Are We Kinder and Gentler Yet?
$2.00 $25.00 On Sale!
This is a quote from "Poppy" Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush, the former head of the C.I.A. who rode into the White House on the coat-tails of the Reagan Devolution (no, that's not a typo, we mean De, not Re-volution) in 1988. In one of his more ironic bits of campaign appeasing to the pro-peace tenor of the times, George H.W. Bush, Senior actually said: "I want America to be a kinder and gentler nation." Coming from the patriarch of the Bush Crime Family, this statement was the height of irony. 22 years later in 2010, Elton John observed that the United States had become a mean-spirited country, and he hoped it would become a "kinder and gentler" one.
Button: Ally
(1.25" button)
Button: Hawk & Dove Graphic
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
The hawk of empire attacking the dove of peace; this is the way much of the world sees the U.S. government (but not the people of the U.S.)
Button: Within the Contradiction Lies the Hope. - Bertolt Brecht
$2.00 $0.75 On Sale!
(1.25" Button)
Button: Peace Sign Graphic
(1" Metal Lithographed Button) This is the Original, designed over sixty years ago in 1958 by Gerald Holtom for the English Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Inside the back of this button is a very tiny and very brief few words about the origin of the peace sign.
The last metal lithograph printer in North America went out of business in 2018, We cannot gt any more Metal Lithoigraphed buttons again. We only have a few dpzrn left. These are only available at the retail price. They are now collector's itms, and will increase in value into the foreseeable future.
We also offer the peace sign on a cloissonne jewelry pin with a clutchback secure attachment on the back. The product code for that is JP-PS58.
Both the button and the jewelry pin are union-made in the U.S. Small enough to wear with anything from the most casual to the most formal.
Click on button title for the rest of the story...
Button: Rainbow Triangle
$2.00 $2.00 On Sale!
2" x 2" x 2" triangle with rounded corners and safety pin on back.
Button: Roosters Crow, Hens Deliver
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
(1" Button)
Button: "In Germany they first came for the Communists..."
$2.00 $2.00 On Sale!
(2.25" Button) "In Germany they first came for the Communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics and I did not speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me." --Pastor Martin Niemoller
This quotation is widely used to voice the need for unity and supporting one another under authoritarian governments and is a popular model for describing the dangers of political apathy. Repression always begins with specific and targeted fear and hatred which soon escalates to encompass more and more targeted groups.
Button: Gay Rights are Civil Rights
(1.5" Square button)
Button: Pink Triangle with Fist
(1" Button)
Button: Drumbeat for Darfur
1.5" x 2" rectangular; $1.75 of every $2 from the sale of this button goes directly to help build and staff the Ariang Primary School in South Sudan. You can also contribute directly to this effort by sending a donation to: Gabriel Deng, founder/director of Hope For Sudan, Inc., P.O. Box 6887, Syracuse, N.Y. 13217-6887 Tel. (315) 396-4636. Visit the website: www.hopeforariang.org
Button: Free Tibet, Boycott Chinese Goods
$1.00 $0.25 On Sale!
1.25" button
Button: God Favors No Group. Only Religions Do That
(1.5" button)
Button: Dissent Defines Democracy
1.5" diameter. A basic tenet we should never forget, and always practice. Without dissent, democracy quickly devolves into corpratocracy, © Ruth "Button Buddha" Klein
Button: "The Most Violent Element In Society Is Ignorance" --Emma Goldman
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
1.25" Button
Button: The Death Penalty is Dead Wrong
Button: Together Proud and Strong
3" Button * Hand silkscreen printed and assembled
limited edition
Button: Violence ends where love begins
(1.5" Button)
Button: Buy Union Made
1" button
Button: God Made Adam & Steve too
Less than ten remaining. Out-of-print.
Button: Well behaved women rarely make history. -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
1.5" diameter
Button: How could Columbus discover America when Native Americans were already living there?
1.5" diameter
Button: Love life enough to struggle
1.25" hand-assembled button
Button: "I should like to be able to love my country and still love justice." --Albert Camus
1.5" square
Button: No Human Being is Illegal / No Ser Human es Ilegal
Button: Value All Families
1.5" square
Magnet: You Are The Spark That Started Our Freedom Movement, Thank You Sister Rosa Parks
"You Are The Spark That Started Our Freedom Movement. Thank You Sister Rosa Parks." Text is from the song "Thank You Sister Rosa" by the Neville Brothers (1988) Donnelly/Colt, 1990 1.75" x 2.75", button with full magnetic backing, instread of safety pin backing. Photograph of Rosa Parks taken in 1956.
Rosa Parks was the inspiration for the Montgomery Bus Boycott when she refused to move tio the back of a city bus on December 1, 1955. The boycott lasted more than a year, ultimately changing the discriminatory law that required black bus riders to move to the back of the bus if a white rider wanted their seat. The Neville Brothers made a music video of their song in 2004 you can watch it on YouTube
by clicking here.
In his announcement of the end of the boycott, Martin Luther King said: "The moral arc of the universe is long but it bends towards justice." This quote from M.L.K. s also available as a bumpersticker (search S-MAU)
Button: Attitudes Are the Real Disability
1.5" Button Hand-assembled when ordered
© Henry Holden
Button: Choice
5/8" x 2.5" rectangular metal lithographed button.
Button: Neighborhood Bullies grow up to be Global Thugs
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
(1.25") A little piece of Reagan-era bombast, still true after all these years.
Button: Rainbow Gradient Graphic
1.5" diameter
Button: No More! - Witch Hunts - We Resist
Button: Racial Stereotypes Dehumanize
2.25" diameter out-of-print, few left.
Button: Reproductive Freedom For All Women
2.25" diameter hand-assembled
Button: Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters And Righteousness Like a Perennial Stream -Amos 5:24
1.75" diameter.
Button: Write Women Back Into History
2.25" diameter
Button: Robin Hood Was Right
1" button
On Nov. 13, 1953 (during the McCarthy era) Mrs. Thomas J. White of the Indiana Textbook Commission, called for the removal of references to the book Robin Hood from textbooks used by the state's schools. Mrs. Young claimed that there was "a Communist directive in education now to stress the story of Robin Hood because he robbed the rich and gave it to the poor. (thanks to the Zinn Education Project for bringing this little-known fact to light on the 59th anniversary of this effort at censorship.
Button: Women Hold Up Half the Sky
1.5" diameter
Button: Reproductive Freedom for All Women
1.75" diameter. Design by Erika Weils
Button: Anti-Aggression, Repression, ...
1.5" square. From 1987, out of print. Circle/slash graphic under "Aggression, Repression, Digression, Supression, Depression, Oppression, Regression."
Button: Catalyst Youth for Change
1" diameter, lock pin back. Assorted colors: white, pink, yellow, green. Random colors will be sent.
Button: Proud to be Union
1.25" diameter
Button: I Support Unions
1.25" diameter button.
Customprinted Labels for Back of Buttons or Stickers (Roll of 1,000 minimum)
For groups or shops who buy our buttons wholesale and want to have a way for their customers to contact them again these labels are the solution. We customprint your contact info in black on white self-stick labels on a roll, and send them to you to apply to the back of each of the buttons you order from us (or from anyone else). We are offering these custom printed labels at our cost as a special service to our customers who order buttons or button parts from us.
The minimum number of labels you can order is 1,000.
At higher quantities (2,000 and up) the price per label is a lot lower than at 1,000. The labels are small enough 1/2" by 3/4" to fit on the back of even the smallest (1") buttons we sell.
Size: 1/2" tall x 3/4" self-stick paper labels. For the same price, you can get a slightly larger (1/2" x 2") label to put on the back of
bumpertickers or small vinyl stickers.
Your own wording on up to 4 lines (13 upper case characters per line or 21 lower case letters per line.
Your choice of one of the following Ink Colors: Black, Red, Green, Blue, or Purple. Ink is for the color of the text (reversal printing is NOT
recommended on this small size of label.
Your choice of one of the following Paper Colors: White Gloss (recycled),
Yellow Gloss; ALSO Fluorescent (Dayglo) colors: Red, Yellow, Green, Light Orange, Pink (black ink only on all fluorescent color
papers, since other colors don't print in their accurate color on fluorescent paper); ALSO Matte Finish Silver Metallic paper.
Only choose one ink and one paper color per order of 1,000 labels.
Because the text will be tiny, we will set it in a clear Ariel or Ariel Narrow font.
Suggested information for each line of text:
Line 1: (your organization's name)
Line 2: (continue name if needed; or phone number)
Line 3: (e-mail adddress)
Line 4: (website; or price you want to sell button for)
Putting labels on the backs of all buttons (both buttons you make and buttons you buy already made from anyone else) is a smart way to identify and promote your business or group as the source for more of the buttons, so you will get repeat orders and new orders. You can also put these labels on the backs of bumperstickers, postcards, etc. It will also direct people to your website. We are offering these at our cost to help you promote your organization. They are less expensive when ordered in larger quantities (2,000 or more).
2,000 (all same) for $249. 3,000 (all same) for $300. 5,000 (all same) for $349. 10,000 (all same) for$395. 15,000 (all same) for $425. 25,000 (all same) for $465.
Prices good trough 2024, after that, prices are subject to change.
TO ORDER: Write the wording you want, line by line (4 lines maximum), in the "Comments" section after you click to add this item to your shopping cart. Click once only for a roll of 1,000. Unless you indicate otherwise, we will print them in black ink on white labels.
You can also order these by emailing us at info "at" donnellycolt "dot" com
You won't find prices this low anywhere else on the internet or at any retail shop. This is a promotional price only available to our customers who want to use custom printed labels on the backs of any buttons you purchase at wholesale from anywhere, that you want to re-sell, so you will be seen as the source for more buttons.
Button: The Price of Apathy is to be ruled by evil men" - Plato
1.5": Square button quote from ancient Greek philosopher Plato (428 B.C. - 348 B.C.) as true today as it was then.
Button: Trickle Down - A Piss Poor Theory
1.5" button.
Tax the Filthy Rich
1.5" button.
Bumpersticker: Yes We Can Tax the Rich
$2.25 $0.75 On Sale!
3.75" x 11.5" This is the main message that the 1% need to start seeing on vehicles everywhere. They don't have to worry about health insurance, mortage payments, finding a job, paying college tuition, dental or medical bills, prioritizing what to pay for between paychecks. They don't even have to worry about driving their car, they have chauffers for that. So they do have plenty of time to read this bumpersticker. We've lowered the price so they're more affordable.
Button: I Stand with Standing Rock
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
1.5" Button 2016
The spirit of Standing Rock lives on forever as a symbol of indigenous and allies' resistance to corporate greed and plunder the natural world. Wear this o remind others; to start a conversation; to encourage others to tale action.
Button: We Can Do It! (Rosie the Riveter)
1.5" Square button "We Can Do It!" Reprint of U.S. government WWII poster. Famous image of iconic woman factory worker known as "Rosie the Riveter". She was a symbol of pride, accomplishment and perseverance then and continues to be today. Original painting by J. Howard Miller, 1942.
Button: No Justice No Peace
1.75" button
Button: Everyone Makes a Difference
1" x 2" Rectangular Button.
Button: Nasty Woman
1" diameter hand assembled button.
Button: Resist (w)
Resist (w)
1.75" diameter 2017 White background, black woodcut print
Resist (w)
Button: Resist (b)
1.75" diameter 2017 Black background, white woodcut
code: R-rev
Button: Woman's Place is in the Resistance
1.5" hand assembled button.
Thnaks to Cindy Lauper for the inspiration for this one.
Button: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun-Damental Rights
1.25" diameter hand-assembled button.
Button: Black Lives Matter
1.5" round hand-assembled button
Button: No Room In My Heart for Prejudice
2.25" Button
Button: "Truth Is On The Side of the Oppressed" Malcolm X
1.75" Button
Button: It's Too Bad That The People Who Really Know How To Run the Country Are Busy TEACHING SCHOOL!
1.75" hand-assembled
Button: Equality
1.5" diameter.
Button: Fight Back
1.25" button. Out-of-print, only a few left.
Button: BULLY
1.5" Hand Assembled Image of Trump
Small Vinyl Sticker: 3" x 3" Square 3 Color Sticker "Black Lives Matter"
$2.50 $2.00 On Sale!
S-3x3 BLM
3" x 3" Square screenprinted vinyl sticker with 3 ink colors: red, black and green. Outdoor durability: 5 to 7 years.
(also available as a 1.5 inch Square button, code: 1.5" BLM Sq.)
Button: 1.5" Square "Black Lives Matter"
1.5" Square Button white text on 3 color background 2015
Button: Together We Can Do It
2" x 2" Square 2018 Union made
Inspired by the original World War II poster featuring a white woman, the symbolic "Rosie The Riveter." This version is more ethnically inclusive for our times.
1" Round Rainbow Triangle Graphic Button
1" round rainbow triangle graphic on a white background hand assembled
Button: love trumps hate
1.5" Button "Love Trumps Hate"
Button:You can't put STUDENTS FIRST if you put TEACHERS LAST
1.5" button
$5.00 $4.00 On Sale!
1" x 2" NEW ITEM: Magnet Backed Button for wearing on clothing
© 1990 Donnelly/Colt Our most popular pin-backed button is now available as a two-piece magnet-backed pinless button in the same size as then original. It has a powerful magnet on back and a separate small piece of metal with rounded edges and corners to put on the inside of a shirt, delicate fabric or thin sweater, that holds it firmly in place, so you don't have to put a hole through the fabric.
Button: "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery / None but ourselves can free our minds." Bob Marley
Button: No Return to Illegal Coat Hanger Abortions
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
It's time to bring back the wordless, iconic button against a return to illegal abortion. The coat hanger was a grim graphic symbol in the 1970s for the movement to keep abortion safe and legal. A generation of young people today may not know the meaning of the coat hanger with the red slash across it, or know what it means. Now that the rightwing Supreme Court has gotten rid of women's right to safe, legal abortion in the U.S., this message is more important now than ever. Everyone thought the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision protecting abortion rights was a "settled law" but it really wasn't. Under a far-right Supreme Court, we can't take anything for granted. These are from our metal lithographed print run in the 1990s: $1.00 each while supply lasts. Metal lithograhed buttons are no longer made anywhere. The last manufacturer, Adco Lirho in Chicago, closed in 2018. The era of those inexpensive, one-piece buttons printed directly on metal is gone forever, just like other now obsolete, but once essential things (carbon paper, typewriters, VHS video cassettes and players/recorders). We cannot let the right to safe, legal abortion become forever gone. Resist and challenge the growing movement toward theocracy and fascism in the U.S.
Button: Dove & Ukraine Flag
1.25" button 2022 hand-assembled, image of a dove with an olive branch in its beak with Ukraine flag behind it. Symbolic of the Ukraine people and their determination for sovereignty, peace, independence and freedom.
Button: Solidarity With Ukraine
$2.50 $2.00 On Sale!
1.5" union-made button 2022 also available as a 3.75" x 7.5" bumpersticker.
Button: Progress Pride Flag 1" x 2"
The new Progress Pride Flag 1" x 2 rectangular button is printed in 10 colors! Offset lithographed in ten separate runs through the printing press for maximum accuracy of colors.