Quick-Order Buttons | Stickers | T-Shirts | Posters | Postcards | Books | Videotapes | Calendars | Fun |
T-Shirt: "In Germany, first they came for the Communists..." $24.00 T-NQ Union screen printed on a union-made Black 100% cotton T-Shirt. The words of Pastor Martin Niemoller from his journal. He was imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II for opposing and resisting Nazism. This is an eloquent advocacy of solidarity among all who are oppressed as true today as it was 85 years ago. This is the original version as he wrote it: "In Germany, they first came for the Communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew." Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics and I did not speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me." --Pastor Martin Niemoller This quotation is widely used to voice the need for unity and supporting one another under authoritarian governments and is a popular model for describing the dangers of political apathy. Repression always begins with specific and targeted fear and hatred which soon escalates to encompass more and more targeted groups. ALSO AVAILABLE AS a poster (P-NQ) & postcard (PC-NQ) |
T-Shirt: Three Peace (white on black) $24.00 T-3PB Simple and direct: the word "Peace" in English, Hebrew and Arabic. Needed now more than ever! 100% cotton T-shirt unio -made and union screenprinted. |
T-Shirt: Three Peace (white on light green) T-3PG Peace in English, Hebrew and Arabic. Only remaining size in this color are Small. NO Medium, Large or Extra-Large available. |
T-Shirt: There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people. - Howard Zinn T-ZQ Quotation from radical historian Howard Zinn (1923-2010). We also carry this design as a button and bumpersticker. We also carry the DVD documentary about Howard Zinn, "You Can't Be Neutral On A Moving Train" |
T-Shirt: Drooker Trumpets T-TVM New Yok street artist Eric Drooker's scratchboard illustration, dramatically printed in opaque white on jet black T-shirt, has an intense graphic power and visual impact. |
T-Shirt: "Never Doubt That A Small Group Of Thoughtful Committed Citizens Can Change The World; Indeed It's The Only Thing That Ever Has." (Margaret Mead) $15.00 T-MMQ Purple, 100% cotton union-made in U.S. Lifewear brand T-Shirt with ivory lettering screenprinted on front. Only available in XL and XXL sizes. All other sizs out-of-print. |
T-Shirt: Kids Learn What They Live / Stop The Violence T-KL |
T-Shirt: If You Can Walk You Can Dance / If You Can Talk You Can Sing T-WALK |
T-Shirt: When We Act We Change Ourselves And The World T-WWA Only size left is Large. |
T-Shirt: God Favors No Group. Only Religions Do That. T-GFNG |
T-Shirt: Listen To Girls $18.00 T-LTG Full color design. Small, Medium, Large, 2 XL, and 3 XL available. No XL available |
T-Shirt: Pro-Choice / Pro-Child T-PCPC |
T-Shirt: We Did Not Weave The Web Of Life, We Are But A Strand In It. Whatever Befalls The Earth Befalls The People Of The Earth" (Chief Seattle) T-CSQ |
T-Shirt: You Are The Spark That Started Our Freedom Movement. Thank You Sister Rosa Parks T-RP Inscription on photo: "You are the spark that started our freedom movement. Thank you sister Rosa Parks" "You Are The Spark That Started Our Freedom Movement. Thank You Sister Rosa Parks." Text is from the song "Thank You Sister Rosa" by the Neville Brothers (1988) Donnelly/Colt, 1990 100% unbleached natural cotton Photo of Rosa Parks taken in 1956. The Neville Brothers wrote a song "Thank You Sister Rosa" you can watch the music video on YouTube by clicking here. |
T-Shirt: Cow Cartoon T-HAMBURGER "I just found out how they make hamburgers!" "You leftists and your conspiracy theories, get a grip on yourself, honey." Only in Extra-Large. All other sizes oyt-of-print. |
T-Shirt: Free at Last; Amandla Ngawetu $5.00 T-FAL CLEARANCE ITEM--SUPPLIES LIMITED ![]() |
T-Shirt: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has." --Margaret Mead (Woman's style scoop neck) SCOOPT-MMQ These t-shirts are dyed in Vermont in an assortment of gorgeous colors. They have a scoop neck and fit people with hips. |
T-Shirt: Wage Peace (Woman's Scoop Neck Style, slate color) $10.00 SCOOPT-WPS Finally a stylish t-shirt that's made for women. These new t-shirts are dyed in Vermont in an assortment of gorgeous colors. They have a scoop neck and fit people with hips. We plan to offer many of our old designs in this style. Right now look for it in our "T-Dove," "Margaret Mead Quote (SCOOPT-MMQ)," "Wage Peace (SCOOPT-WP)," and "Don't Postpone Joy (SCOOPT-DPJ)." *PLEASE NOTE! THIS PARTICULAR BRAND OF SHIRT RUNS EXTREMELY LARGE. Their Medium is more like others' Large; their Large is like others' Extra-Large; their Extra-Large is like others' Extra-Extra-Large. |
T-Shirt: Wage Peace (slate) T-WPS |
T-Shirt: "Don't Postpone Joy" Women's Style (green) T-DPJG Women's style t-shirt with scoop neck and 1/4 inch collar. |
T-Shirt: "Don't Postpone Joy" Women's Style (red) T-DPJR Women's style t-shirt with scoop neck and 1/4 inch collar. |
T-Shirt: Honor the Dead; Heal the Wounded; End the War (Black) T-HTDB Available in Standard Regular cut and Women's Style. Note: Women's run smaller. |
T-Shirt: Honor the Dead; Heal the Wounded; End the War (Slate Blue) T-HTDS Slate Blue color 100% cotton unioin made T-shirt. |
T-Shirt: Honor the Dead; Heal the Wounded; End the War (Purple) T-HTDP Available in Standard Regular cut and Women's styles. Note: Women's run smaller. |
T-shirt: Encourage Your Hopes Not Your Fears T-EYH Navy blue 100% cotton shirt with ivory and white imprint on front. |
T-Shirt: Our Life Is More Than Our Work / Our Work Is More Than Our Jobs (purple) T-CKQ-P 100% cotton union-made. 5.7 ounce T-shirt. White imprint front & back on PURPLE shirt. Longtime New England folksinger Charlie King hads a song entitled "Our Life Is More Than Our Work" and the rerfrain is "and our work is more than our jobs" |
T-Shirt: RESIST RECHARGE FIGHT BACK $25.00 T-RRFB 100% Cotton, Full front Red silkscreened imprint on black union-made T-Shirt. © 2018 Cotton grown, knitted, dyed, cut, sewn and printed in the U.S. Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra-Large, 2 XL |
T-Shirt: Indian Territory T-IT |
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©1975-2008 Donnelly/Colt. All rights reserved. |